Although some people use tinplate cans and aluminum cans interchangeably, the two types of cans are not the same thing. People use tin cans for the same purpose as aluminum cans. However, the two projects are made of different materials, with different characteristics and manufacturing costs.
Since tinplate cans were patented in 1810, cans have been efficient storage containers. Aluminum cans were not available until 1965. Aluminum and tin cans have many uses, but they are probably best known for preserving and preserving food. Both cans protect food from light and air, and are durable and recyclable.
Tinplate can
Tin is a low-melting crystalline metallic element that is ductile at room temperature. Tin is usually extracted from a mineral called cassiterite, which is a compound of tin and oxygen. The basic refining process of tin makes it attractive for manufacturing. Tin does not corrode easily, which is why it can be used in cans. Modern custom metal tin can is actually made of steel coated with a very thin layer of tin to protect the steel from corrosion.
Aluminum is still a metallic element. Unlike tin, which makes up only 0.001% of the Earth's crust, aluminum is very abundant, or 8.2%. However, aluminum is difficult to refine and is often found in natural compounds, usually potassium aluminate or alumina. Over time, different processes have been developed to refine aluminum, and each process has become more and more efficient. Aluminum cans are made of aluminum alloy, which is known for being strong and light.
Airtight tinplate can packaging are heavier than aluminum cans and have higher durability. Tin cans also have high corrosion resistance to acidic foods such as tomatoes. But tin cans are less efficient than aluminum. Recycling aluminum instead of processing new aluminum, because the savings are enough to cover the cost of recycling and collecting aluminum cans, so the recovery rate is higher than plastic and glass, etc.